Mar 16, 2013

Computer Forensics and Their Function

Computer forensics are used in many areas of law involving trade secrets to prevention of computer fraud, computer forensics but increasingly used to help solve crimes of all kinds.


Computer forensics has implications both obvious and less obvious in a criminal court and is a useful tool for new prosecutors and police itself.

Zone data computer was something that was ignored or underutilized judicial affairs for far too long. It was even worse because most criminals are very, very slow in their data encryption, they make the game easier for the forensic guys. Such forensic use scientific methodology to protect, evaluate and analyze the data. Deleted data can be retrieved or recovered encrypted or password protected data revealed.

Damaged hardware can also be recovered in the pursuit of information and responses by computer forensics team themselves - there is very little information, you can safely hide from them. No matter how digital media is damaged. Computer forensics consciously works within the rules of evidence set forth by the criminal courts, which allows law enforcement and viable evidence admissible in a court of law. Basically, if they catch you they have something done legally and it will stand up in court as evidence.

Computer forensics play an increasing role in American courts and electronic forensic experts are called in variety types of criminal cases. Theft, embezzlement, fraud and may all computer records and evidence is evaluated and analyzed by a forensic specialist - there is very little done in business today that does not involve computers in some level. Even the use of cell phones is not immune to the forensic guys. Each text message you ever sent, every phone number you have stored or even pictures you ever held your mobile phone are all elements that these guys can undelete and used against you in a court of law.

There have been several high profile murder cases examined in recent years have been forensic evidence cell phone has played a key role in the prosecution of criminals. That's right - they were stupid enough to send text messages every other organization the murder of another human being. Specifically, computer crimes such as hacking, child pornography and theft intellectual property also continued using computer forensics.

Moreover, the aid forensic teams in the investigation and prosecution of terrorists, the information technology in the planning, scheduling and able to use terrorism.This became particularly important after 9/11. Computer forensics allows prosecutors and police for evidence against offenders if the offense is the diversion of business or child pornography. A good computer forensic specialist can not only store data, but even recover deleted or corrupted data and transmit the information to the courts.